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Monitoring News

Innovation: New Software Monitors Kids' Cell Phone Use
New York -- Monitoring Internet usage may not be enough to protect your child from a predator.With text messaging the preferred means of communications for young people and parents getting smarter about monitoring the Internet, children are facing an increased risk from their mobile phone.

Satellites to monitor climate change
NASA are to moitor the weather via satellites in order to progress the changing cliimate.

Ten years ago, groupware bundled with email and calendar app
Ten years ago, groupware bundled with email and calendar applications helped track the flow of work from person to person within an organization. Workflow in today's enterprise means more monitoring and orchestrating massive systems. A new technology called Business Process Management, or BPM, helps software architects and developers desi

Cool new gadget to monitor your electricity at home
This thing's called the Eco-Eye - looks like an interesting new energy monitor. Similar to the Wattson, OWL and Efergy ones you can already buy.

Key Stroke Logger Keyboard Monitoring Tracking
Keylogger is software which record key stokes of your keyboard like typed password username online chat conversation instant messenger visited website in invisible mode. Last few years key logger have enhanced its features. Now key logger is keyboard’s keystrokes logging or key logging software.

Bandwidth Monitoring Freewares | TechFreaks
Here are a few real time statical tools which will help you to keep an eye on the amount of data you’re downloading and uploading every day

OneLessDesk is the hi-tech workspace for you
Sorta transformer but stylish and futuristic, MAC-inspired design of OneLessDesk fits perfectly in your room. Retracting input devices holder when you finish working you get a compact piece of furniture that does not get in your way when you don't need it. I would have loved a way of lowering the monitor below and get all that space cleared...

The world's smallest wearable cardiac monitor
The world's smallest wearable cardiac monitor, a toffee-sized silicon locket, is almost ready at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IIT-B).

Learning from Partners in Health in Rwanda
Learning from Partners in Health in Rwanda: Daily support and monitoring at home, working with informal caregivers in the community to surface problems early so that bigger problems can be prevented: That is the key to improving quality of care with limited resources.

Telebegeleiding met Health Buddy
The Dutch are ahead of the curve when it comes to home health monitoring

Giuliani Had Ties to Company Trying to Sell Border Technology
Rudolph W. Giuliani and his consulting company were part owners of a start-up company that says it has developed a sensor capable of monitoring illegal border crossings.

Facebook Vs MySpace
Though down, MySpace is still gets the most traffic with 76% of visits in 2007. It’s actually down. Number two, Facebook is up 51%. They monitored 53 different social networking sites to get the data.

Your 3rd Eye - Employee Monitoring Software - Maxapt QuickEy
Do you suspect that your employees are abusing business work hours to get ‘personal business’ done? You are not alone… Do you want to be monitored at work?Do you know this employee monitoring software? This is boss's 3rd eye

Giuliani Had Ties to Company Selling Border Technology
On the presidential campaign trail, former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani often promotes the installation of electronic monitoring devices at the border to stem illegal immigration, without mentioning that until a few months ago, he was partner in a company trying to market such technology........

Government warns they watch users of
The warning reads:WARNING: This is a United States Federal Government computer system that is "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY." This system is subject to monitoring. Therefore, no expectation of privacy is to be assumed. Individuals found performing unauthorized activities are subject to disciplinary action including criminal prosecution.

Institutionalized Spying on Americans: How They Monitor You
As things now stand, Washington, post-9/11, suspended constitutional protections in the name of national security and suppressed our civil liberties for our own good. This article reviews two police state tools (among many in use) in America. One is new, undiscussed and largely unknown to the public.

software for multi-monitor support
Discusses software that helps if you have more than one monitor; also shows how to add a second monitor if you only have one video output on your pc

Michigan Labor Mobilizes, Prevents Anti-Union Petition Drive
While thousands voted in the Michigan presidential primaries yesterday, more than 3,500 union members and allies monitored polling places statewide for a potential “right to work” for less petition drive on the day of the primary.

HoverSnap Screen Shot Software Review
Taking screen shots of your computer monitor is a very helpful tool, that's built into Windows with the Print Screen button. However, there are 3 steps involved. HoverSnap can decrease the number of steps to one.

Big Brother Software To Monitor Facial Expressions
Privacy advocates, rev your engines: Microsoft is developing what a British newspaper describes as "Big Brother" software that will allow employers remotely to monitor their workers' productivity, competence and physical well-being to a degree never before seen.

Researchers plunder social networks
We are being monitored!!!!

Send a message to the NSA if they're reading your email!
The purpose of this site is to allow you to turn any message you'd like to send into a block of (very weakly) encrypted text that's very likely to get the attention of any one wiretapping our internet lines. You can then put that message into the signature of all of your emails. If they're illegally monitoring your email, they'll get the message!

Diary: Protecting mountain gorillas
Virunga National Park. Rangers Diddy and Innocent monitor and protect the gorillas in the war-torn region. In this weekly diary, they describe life on conservation's frontline.

Wiki - AboutUs Wiki Page has offered three new great services. 1. Free monitoring. Any article on the AboutUs site can now be watched automatically for changes.2. Promote Company. Lets anyone promote their company on the wiki.3. Portal Sponsorship. Companies can (and are) now sponsoring topical portals that aggregate business listings.

OneLessDesk - perfect for Apple iMac
At one time, you needed a desk that could handle a mountain of paper, a two-foot-deep monitor, a printer, and a CPU the size of a Labrador. Today, your entire computer is an inch thick and your printer (which you only use to print boarding passes) is in your closet connected to your WiFi.You have moved forward. It's time your desk caught up.

Jetart Thermo Eye D2000 temperature gauge review
If you're looking for an external device to monitor your system or component's temperatures quickly and easily, Elite Bastards have taken a brief look at Jetart's Thermo Eye temperature gauge.

NetSupport Nominated for 5 Network Computing Awards
NetSupport Manager is short-listed for Software Product of the Year. NetSupport DNA is nominated for overall Product of the Year and DNA Helpdesk is recognised in the Service Management category. NetSupport Protect is up for New Product and NetSupport School in the Testing and Monitoring category.

Freedom's Phoenix newsletter, Jan. 17, 2008
Republicans ponder deadlocked convention --Who Is the Next Ron Paul? -- Tapes Destroyed Over CIA's Objections -- Court case could alter Nev. election outcome -- Town Clerk Tries To Intimidate Blogger -- Police "Rumbler" Siren Shakes Motorists -- Microsoft's Big Brother-style software to monitor worker competence and productivity -- LIES AND DECEI

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