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Monitoring News

Watts up? .net - remote monitoring of power use
For those with a compulsive need to track their energy usage here's a new product for monitoring the electricity demands of appliances and devices in your home, office, farm or lab. Monitoring can even be done remotely via the internet and over a wi-fi connection...

Dr. Phil Sends Ann Coulter to Her Room Without Supper
In a bristling recent episode of Dr. Phil, psychologist Phil McGraw dragged a kicking and screaming 45-year-old Ann Coulter to her bedroom in the "Dr. Phil house," a camera-rigged domicile used by the talk-show host to monitor its guests' every word and deed.

Samsung will unveil their thinnest LCD panels
Samsung will unveil a diverse array LCD panels for monitors, TVs and digital information displays, only 10 mm thick at FPD International 2007, in Yokohama, Japan, October 24-26. At what is one of the world’s largest trade shows dedicated to flat panel displays, Samsung will introduce a 40" (101.6cm) diagonal Full HD LCD TV panel only 10 mm thick.

Thin LCD screen developed by Samsung
Samsung will unveil a diverse array LCD panels for monitors, TVs and digital information displays, only 10 mm thick at FPD International 2007, in Yokohama, Japan, October 24-26. Samsung will unveil a diverse array LCD panels for monitors, TVs and digital information displays, only 10 mm thick at FPD International 2007, in Yokohama, Japan.

Samsung's New 40 inch LCD is only 1 cm thick!
Samsung is to unveil a bunch of new screens in Japan at the end of this week, including the 40-inch beauty you see here, with a thickness of just 1 cm. The first of the Korean electronics giant's next wave of large-screen TVs, the 40-incher is as thick as a ten- to 20-inch LCD desktop monitor, and has a bezel of just 14.6 mm, reduced from 30 mm.

US Air Safety is a Mess, but NASA won't Tell you
Among other results, the pilots reported at least twice as many bird strikes, near mid-air collisions and runway incursions as other government monitoring systems show. The survey also revealed higher-than-expected numbers of pilots who experienced "in-close approach changes" - potentially dangerous, last-minute instructions to alter landing plans.

Web Site Monitoring from an end-user perspective
Article on using Site24x7's web page analyzer to monitor web sites from an end-user perspective

ShellAppBar - Convert forms into appbars with autohide, drag-dock support.
The ShellAppBar component from ShellObjects makes it easy to develop Quick Launch like appbars (application desktop toolbars) with autohide functionality, support for drag-docking and multi-monitor configurations. This article discusses how easy and fast it is to convert your forms into application desktop toolbars with the ShellAppBar component .

London, Hiroshima mayors back radar opponents - Prague Daily Monitor
Over 100 delegates from 16 European countries, 86 mayors from the Czech Republic and activists from international peace organisations on Saturday attended an international conference of the opponents of the planned US radar in the Czech Republic.

Must Read: Turn off or Power Down your Laptop Monitor from Windows
Missing that power button in laptops for turning off laptop monitor? If yes then this is a must read.

The 5 Pillars of Reputation Management hit me that there are many established companies out there who have lost huge chunks of the potential share of the online market purely due to the fact that they haven’t been properly monitoring their brand online.

The Children are Watching
Adults and celebrities should monitor their behavior more diligently and try to be good role models for children. Based on quote by Faith Hill.

Nursing Homes and "Nanny Cams"
Since many nursing home residents have limited abilities to communicate, identifying potential abuse requires careful monitoring. Looking for the signs of nursing home abuse requires frequent visits to the nursing home or assisted living facility but of the people working there will know if you are watching trying to catch them abusing your parent

Media Watch: The Incredible Disappearing Telecom Committee
Two years after Lege passed sweeping reorganization of competitive landscape for delivering telecommunication services to homes, community groups wonder what happened to committee that was supposed to monitor law's impact...

Techtray 2.11 - the perfect tool for Tech News Addicts!!
Keep up to date with TechTray 2.11 - the optional digg tip feature shows a popup hourly of the latest frontpage tech digg story. Monitor 16 other RSS feeds convienently from your windows tray. You can also create customized searches to monitor topics you want. Best of all it's a FREE registration!! Digg and Download it today!!

Solar Powered Submarine! (Pics)
The Beacon Institute for Rivers and Estuaries, a non-profit scientific research organization based in Beacon, NY, has teamed up with IBM and several other research groups to develop a high-tech environmental-monitoring system for the state's Hudson River that would transform its 315 miles into an interconnected network of sensors.

Why is it important to monitor your Internet usage?
It is a common misconception that having "unlimited Internet access" = "unlimited downloads". However this is frequently not the case. One case in point is Comcast Cable, one of the U.S.' largest cable Internet providers: "The rapid growth of online videos, music and games has created a new Internet sin: using it too much.

Programmable Automation Controller (PAC)
A programmable automation controller (PAC) is a compact, based on the characteristics and capabilities of a PC-based system to monitor with a controller typical of the programmable logic (PLC). CAP, the most common in the industry for monitoring processes, the acquisition of data, the equipment of remote monitoring, and machine vision....

PCs, laptops, and the availability of broadband have radically changed the way people do business. Employers now have more sophisticated business critical tools that they can use to achieve increased business efficiencies and higher profits. At the same time, there is a requirement by employers to be able to monitor and track employee ...

How To Connect 4 Hidden Cameras To Your Computer
Many parents need at least 4 hidden cameras placed in 4 important rooms of the house to monitor their care provider or children. Most common rooms are the bedroom, kitchen, living room and family room. We show in detail, how to connect 4 hidden cameras to your computer for recording and playback.

American Express addresses RFID tracking plans for people
"Method and System for Facilitating a Shopping Experience," describes a Minority Report style blueprint for monitoring consumers through RFID-enabled objects, like the American Express Blue Card.

Purchasing a Surveillance System?
Before starting to compare surveillance systems or evaluating potential vendors, consider what you want to monitor with your CCTV surveillance system. Once you decide what you want to see, choosing system components will become easier. Be sure you have the answers to the following questions before you spend any money for a video surveillance system

NASA: Ozone Hole Watch web site
Where you can check on the latest status of the ozone layer over the South Pole. Satellite instruments monitor the ozone layer, and we use their data to create the images that depict the amount of ozone.

Glenn Greenwald interviews EFF on warrantless wiretapping suit against AT&T
Interview mentions why the White House is pushing for retroactive immunity for AT&T, as well as what the suit has revealed so far, and how little congress appears to know about how Internet traffic is being monitored.

Firefox Security Updates
The Mozilla Organization published Firefox which includes security updates. Two security flaws found by security monitoring company Secunia are rated as “extremely critical.” The two flaws, when combined could allow malicious attackers to engage in cross-site scripting and remote system access. There were no known active exploits.

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